Newborn Screening Test

Whilst most babies are born healthy, some may have an underlying disorder which often goes undetected at birth and may lead to a life threatening situation or cause physical and mental disability, if not detected early. These disorders are called metabolic or genetic disorders. These disorders are rare, but can be harmful, even deadly, when undetected. For example, newborns may have difficulty metabolizing food, placing them at risk for serious health complications such as mental retardation, coma, and even death.


What is Newborn Screening?

Newborn Screening is a process where infants are screened shortly after birth for a list of conditions that are treatable, but are often not seen at birth. Newborn screening can prevent hundreds of thousands of instances of physical and mental disability and even death. Early detection of these conditions through Newborn Screening allows timely diagnosis and intervention making it possible to help give affected babies a healthy start to life.

Commonly screened disorders:

  1. Congenital Hypothyroidism; 
  2. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia; 
  3. Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency; 
  4. Cystic Fibrosis; 
  5. Galactosemia; 
  6. Biotinidase Deficiency

Why is it essential?

The diseases in question are rare; the probability of your child actually being affected by one of them is rather small. Most babies are born healthy.

Only about 1 in 3 babies receive screening of any type and many babies are only screened for one or two conditions. Over 55,000 more newborns could be saved globally from death or life-altering ailments each year if proper screening tests and treatment were in place. As a result of the newborn screening children who could have been severely affected with a disease are permitted to move forward to a normal healthy childhood.

Early reassurance is considered to be the best option. The choice is completely yours!

Newborn screening can prevent hundreds of thousands of instances of physical and mental disabilities and even deaths.

  • Screening is quick and easy, a simple heel prick is all that’s needed for testing
  • More than 30 conditions are known to have good outcomes when detected and diagnosed early
  • Newborn screening for rare diseases is of economic significance as well. The advantage of early screening is that it offers more time for counseling, consideration and action if the baby is screened positive for a genetic disorder.